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Grow Your Discord Server using Join4Join BOT for FREE!

In this Blog post, we are going to show you How to Grow Your Discord Server using Join4Join Discord BOT for FREE

Join4Join is a French Discord BOT & Service which allows you to earn ton of members for free by using the traditional Join4Join method. This service is runned over Discord platform from several years. Its an fairly popular service, their website receives approximately 2K visitors and 22,500+ page impressions per day, mostly visited by people from IndiaGermany, Turkey, United Kingdom.

Grow Your Discord Server using Join4Join BOT for FREE!

  • What is "Join4Join" Method on Discord?
Join4Join is a method used by Discord server owners or members to promote their servers and gain more members. In this method, server owners or members mutually agree to join each other's servers in exchange for joining their own. For example, if owner A promotes their server in a server owned by B, then B agrees to promote their server in A's server. This is usually done in designated channels or through direct messages between server owners or members. 

However, Join4Join Discord BOT makes this "Join4Join" method very simple and easy with their Dashboard & BOT. Join4Join Discord BOT has their very own made Dashboard which allows Server Owners to find servers for Join4Join without DMing (Direct Message) anyone or without using any designated channels as some Discord servers do not allow Join4Join promotions. 

  • How to get started?
To get started, first thing you need is a Discord account, you can create a Discord account for free here: Discord.com/login

After creating / logging into your Discord account, you need to signup on Join4Join website using your Discord account here: Join4join.xyz/login/discord

After the signup on Join4Join website, you will be redirected to their Dashboard. You need to create an AD / Advert for your Discord server in order to get members on your Discord server. Join4Join has a coin based economy system which enables users to buy an AD / Advert for their Discord Server.  To create an AD / Advert on Join4Join dashboard you need Join4Join Coins. 1 Join4Join Coins = 1 Member. 

  • What is an AD / Advert?
An AD / Advert enables you to add your Discord Server on their website & system through which people can find your server on their website and join your server. This is helps your Server to grow and gain more and more members. You can see an example of an running AD in below screenshot; 

Grow Your Discord Server using Join4Join BOT for FREE!

There are also some filter available on their website which you can choose & select while making an AD for your Discord Server. Like :-

Filter alts: This is an Alt Filter which prevents newly made and ALT Discord accounts from joining your Discord server. 

Filter language: This is an Language Filter which allows only specific language supported user / Discord accounts to join your Discord Server, currency they support 

Mode: This is not an filter, its a MODE which allows you to choose between "Bot" or "Invite" mode. "Bot" mode is the most suggest mode, but if you don't have Admin permission on Discord Server, you can use "Invite" mode which is much slower and gives less members than compared to "Bot" mode. 

  • How to get Join4Join Coins? 
There are mainly 2 ways to get Join4Join coins, 

You can Join other Discord servers and farm / earn coins here: Join4join.xyz/farm 

You can earn coins by farming / joining servers with the BOT. You'll get 0.75 coins for each server you join. You can also enable the "Auto-Farm" to join servers automatically.

Grow Your Discord Server using Join4Join BOT for FREE!

You can farm / join with invites as well to earn 0.75 coins for each server farmed / joined. After joining some servers you can claim your coins here: Join4join.xyz/claim

Grow Your Discord Server using Join4Join BOT for FREE!

NOTE: If you leave any joined / farmed Discord server before 4 days past you'll lose 2 coins. You can check this page: Join4join.xyz/check every 4 days to know which servers you can leave without losing coins. 

Or, If you don't want to join any Discord servers, you can buy the coins using Paypal, Cryptocurrencies, Gift Cards, Paysafecard, Bank Acc / Card & Discord Nitro. You can buy coins here: Join4join.xyz/premium 

Grow Your Discord Server using Join4Join BOT for FREE!

or. join their support server on Discord here: Discord.gg/4hNBAun3aV to buy coins using Paypal, Crypto, Gift Cards & Paysafecard. 

Grow Your Discord Server using Join4Join BOT for FREE!

  • How to buy an AD / Advert? 

Grow Your Discord Server using Join4Join BOT for FREE!


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